Monday, August 30, 2010

Scott Pilgrim: Best movie out there

I don't think I'm being biased at all by saying that Scott Pilgrim is one of the most refreshing movies to come along in a "romantic comedy" setting.  Yeah, I'm using that term loosely. Between the fight scenes, Wallace stealing the show, and Ramona not coming off as mysterious but more angsty, the romance really takes a backseat in this one.

*spoiler alert*
Before I get into the review, I might as well warn anyone paying attention, there are spoilers everywhere.  I make the assumption that you have seen the movie at least once.  If you haven't you've failed humanity.  Go see it NOW!  That is all.
*/spoiler alert*

So let's start with the protagonist himself:

Scott Pilgrim  (Michael Cera)
Rating: Awesome!

Scott starts out as a nice slacker.  The boy has been between jobs for quite a long time.  He plays the bass, mooches off of roommates, but is just so loveable that everyone kinda forgives his dickish behavior.  And yes, he IS a dick.

The actor playing him is great for the role.  Of course, we know Cera for playing loveable loser types but I think that the role of Pilgrim was made for him (doesn't matter that he was from Canada in the first place.  Eisenberg might do well but he's shedding the scrawny loser type in that Facebook movie).  Of course, being the internet, plenty of people hate on Cera.  Grow up folks, Cera plays a great role of a guy that has good friends helping him grow up in this movie.

Ramona (Mary Winstead)
Rating: Mysterious
Ramona was far removed from her source material it seemed.  She comes off as more aloof, not really doing anything but giving cutscenes to her exes.  I didn't get a feeling that she grew and matured in the relationship as Scott did.  This was one part that could have been done better, especially with a few minor tweaks.  Still, the Roxie fight with her in it.  Best damn fight. Period.

Seriously, I know that Mary can act.  I just don't think anyone did anything with her character.  The few blurbs she did get were left on the kitchen table so that others shine

Knives Chau (Ellen Wong)
Rating: Underage!!!
Knives came out of nowhere to really shine here.  If I remember right, she doesn't have as much of a presence in the comic.  Regardless, she does rather well for herself here.  Confused teenager that's growing up, thinking she likes the idea of a guy that's not what she seems.  But seriously it chills me to think that Knives is the idea that Sakura was chasing after Ken Masters from Street Fighter.

Ellen Wong did a great job here.  Knives was still a spunky counterpart to Ramona's calm/detached demeanor, but it works out that she can kick ass and take names.

Wallace Wells (Kieran Culkan)
Rating: Holy... !!!
Wallace doesn't do a lot of fighting.  In fact, he's too busy hamming it up with all of his escapades on camera! He turns a straight man gay (though that was debatable), he gets a song named after him, and all around he's a HUGE Goldheart - Jerkass.  Still he feeds Scott and makes him do things such as not play with the emotions of the girls that Scott gets involved with.

The best out of the bunch:  Todd and Lucas.  Even Gideon isn't as awesome as the Jerk Jock Lucas who has 7 guys that beat the everloving crap out of Scott until he beats them all.  What would have been great was to see them get it on.  What was funny as hell was seeing him bail in awesome fashion from that long ramp.

Then there's Todd...  What an jerk!  He's ignorant, ultra powerful, and he knocked the HIGHLIGHTS out of a girl's hair!  Gideon doesn't come close to being as awesome in comparison.

Of course, those are the best.  The worst of the bunch are the Katayanagi twins.  They didn't get any personalization, little to NO screen time...  Let's face it, they were just in the way.  I would have loved it if they could talk broken Japanese or something but we can only do so much with 2 hours and a serious condensing of six books.  Mayhap there's time in the DVD?

All in all, I loved the movie.  Yes, it has problems.

The movie will appeal to a really niche market for some obvious reasons. 1) Game references = male audience.  While a lot of people went to see Eat Pray Love, this one got shafted because it doesn't really look like a conventional romantic comedy.  2) Seven actors in Expendables = low sales.  All "real men" went to see Expendables first.  I'm sure going to give Scott my money to watch this again in theaters.

All in all, I'll definitely recommend it to others. With a great cast of known and unknowns, quick tempo, excellent music, and great over the top action, this is one to remember.

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